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surf coaching 

. A person /one person  : 90 euros

. Two people /Two people: 80 euros / person

. Three people /Three people: 70 euros / person

. Family Pack etc.

Surf material: neoprene and board included

pick up service

Surf Board and Wetsuit included

Pick up service 

toLmto Surf

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Bet Brugué nacida en Barcelona, aunque en su infancia y adolescencia fueron Girona y

la Tramontana quienes la vieron crecer. 

Curiosa, espontánea, creativa, amante de los detalles, a veces tímida, tozuda

y de sonrisa fácil (de esas que enganchan). 

 Actualmente y desde hace 7 años, se dedica al mundo del surf en Fuerteventura.

Una vida de todos los colores es testimonio de resiliencia, (des)amor y crecimiento personal.

Nos invita a reflexionar sobre la complejidad del día a día y la importancia de seguir adelante

con espíritu optimista y una sonrisa en el ALMA.

Portada libro Una Vida de todos los Colores
Bet Surfeando

ponle aLma a tu vida

firma libros Sant Jordi Barcelona
ilustración Bet_edited.png
Bet Brugué
Os espero con muchas ganas

Una vida de Todos los Colores

Born in Barcelona on December 26, 1980, although in her childhood and adolescence it was Girona and the Tramuntana that saw her grow up. 

Curious, spontaneous, creative, lover of details, sometimes shy, stubborn and with an easy smile (the kind that engages). 

With a very disparate career: event organizer, presenter and collaborator on radio programs, entrepreneur, fashion designer or pianist. Currently and for 7 years, he has been dedicated to the world of surfing.

in Fuerteventura.

Now, also a writer, she has decided to chronicle the last years of her life in these pages.

A life of all colors is a testimony of resilience, (un)love

and personal growth,

and invites us to reflect on the complexity of everyday life and the importance of moving forward with an optimistic spirit and a smile in our hearts.

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ALma SURF in Lajares

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